How to configure Site-to-Site VPN on Cisco ASA? Access-Lists Add the ACLs which we will need to NAT, the encryption domain and the group policy. access-list Example_Policy_ACL extended permit tcp object-group Local_LAN object-group Remote_LAN eq 80 access-list Example_Policy_ACL extended deny ip any any access-list Example_VPN_ACL permit ip object-group Local_LAN object-group Remote_LAN Group Policy Create your group policy which will restrict traffic between hosts within your encryption domain. group-policy Example_Policy internal group-policy Example_Policy attributes vpn-filter value Example_Policy_ACL default-group-policy Example_Policy NAT Add your No NAT for traffic within the encryption domain nat (outside) 0 access-list Example_VPN_ACL Tunnel Group Create your tunnel group which will include your pre-shared key. tunnel-group [Peer IP] type ipsec-l2l tunnel-group [Peer IP] general-attributes default-group-...
Secure IT Academy is specially dedicated to those people who are intersted to learner network security . You can learn advance concept of networking and network security here. We will share basic networking concept to complex networking, troubleshooting steps here. Also, we will share network security questions and other stuffs here.