Checkpoint firewall common commands part 2 For basic firewall informaton gathering: fgate stat -Status and statistics of Flood-Gate-1. fwaccel <stat|stats|conns> – View status, statistics or connection table of SecureXL. fw getifs -Show list of configured interfaces with IP and netmask. cpstat <app_flag> [-f flavour] -View OS, HW and CP application status. Issue cpstat without any options to see all possible application flags <app_flag> and corresponding flavours. Examples: cpstat fw -f policy – verbose policy info cpstat os -f cpu – CPU utilization statistics cpinfo -y all -List all installed patches and hotfixes. cpd_sched_config print -Show task scheduled with CPD scheduler. enabled_blades -View enabled software blades avsu_client [-app <app>] , get_version <app> -Get signature version and status of content security .Without the -app option “Anti Virus” is used. show co...
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